Learn about getting a talent visa
Explore your talent visa opportunities
Talent visa questionnaire form
To evaluate your chances of getting a Talent visa, I need detailed answers to the questions listed in the questionnaire about your achievements in your field of activity (you need to qualify at least 3 out of 10).

I will analyze whether your answers are consistent with the criteria for this visa and comply with the norms. After that, you will get the result from me.
Stanislav Shamayev, licensed business immigration attorney
Fill out the form
Talent visa questionnaire form
Great job! Click the "Submit the request" button and follow the link to WhatsApp in order to confirm the completion. Only after that, Stanislav Shamayev will contact you shortly.
What is your talent category?
You can choose the most convenient one
From which country will the application be submitted?
What is your country of citizenship? If there are several, list all
Availability of national or international awards in your field of activity, prizes and diplomas for outstanding achievements, contributions, and successes. It is necessary to be able to attach a cover letter to each award, which describes how many people competed for the award and what criteria were used to select the winners.
Availability of documents that show membership in professional organizations and associations in your field of activity. In this category, it is desirable to have evidence that membership in this association (organization) is not nominal
Availability of materials published in national or international media about you, about your occupation. Copies of these materials must clearly show the title of the publication, the date of publication, the author of the article / interview, and, if necessary, there must be a translation into English.
Availability of documents showing participation in judging or evaluation of other participants in the field of activity (competition, selection for publications in the magazine, or any other type of activity where you had a word in the selection of winners or determining the qualifications, level of knowledge of participants or other specialists)
Having testimonials from other players in the industry about your achievements. Letters of recommendation.
Having your own articles or publications related to your field of activity in major prestigious publications
If you are a talent in the arts, it is possible to show exhibitions of your work. For talented people in other spheres, one can provide any other proof that confirms the talent.
Proof of your leadership and outstanding organizational contributions in your industry.
Proof of receiving a salary that significantly exceeds salaries in this particular area. It can be proved by a contract with a sponsor, who stipulates the amount of the applicant’s salary.
Commercial success in activities (sales, interest on a patent, sale of paintings, sale of your developed strategy or technique, etc.).
Contracts with companies in the United States for advertising or brand representation.
Do you have an employer in the United States?
Have you ever applied to this type of visa before?
If you are a photographer, you may have developed a special photography technique; if you are an athlete, then you may have a special throwing technique; if you are in the construction industry, you may have come up with some new technology.
Please, upload your CV
Talent hunter
Stanislav Shamayev is a market-leading licensed business immigration attorney of the US law firm – "Shamayev Business Law".For over 10 years, he has been helping people—entrepreneurs, investors, and talents—take a big step and immigrate to the US.

Stanislav's experience counts over 2500 cases for customers from 50 countries.

He specializes in:
- Business and investment visas:
ЕВ-5, E-2, L-1
- Talent visas: О-1, ЕВ-1, ЕВ-2NIW
- Work visas: ЕВ-3, H-1B
- Corporate business support