Learn about getting a talent visa
Explore your talent visa opportunities
Are you a champion dreaming of living in the US?
Half-year to collect and prepare documents, family Green Card opportunity, US clubs, best-in-class coaches, high income, and the world's most stable economy.

If you hold national and international titles, have a referee certificate or records set, and if mass media knows—and talks—about you, a Green Card is almost in your pocket.

Fill out the form and transform your life!

Fill out the form
I will analyze whether your answers are consistent with the criteria and comply with norms. You will get the result within 48 hours.
Stanislav Shamayev, licensed business immigration attorney
Talent visa questionnaire form
Great job! Click the "Submit the request" button and follow the link to WhatsApp in order to confirm the completion. Only after that, Stanislav Shamayev will contact you shortly.
You can choose the most convenient one
From which country will the application be submitted?
What is your country of citizenship?
Do you have a tourist visa to the USA?
Have you played for your national team?
Will you be able to get letters of recommendation from distinguished athletes, champions or high-ranking sports officials?
Have you ever applied to this type of visa before?
Stanislav Shamayev is a market-leading licensed business immigration attorney of the US law firm – "Shamayev Business Law". For over 10 years, he has been helping people—entrepreneurs, investors, and talents—take a big step and immigrate to the US.

Stanislav's experience counts over 2500 cases for customers from 30 countries.

He specializes in:
- Business and investment visas: ЕВ-5, E-2, L-1
- Talent visas: О-1, ЕВ-1, ЕВ-2NIW
- Work visas: ЕВ-3, H-1B
- Corporate business support

Talent hunter